Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Best On Page SEO Factors 2017

Best On Page SEO Factors 2017

Best On-Page SEO Factors

On Page SEO is one of important factor SEO, with on page we will optimize an entire website. there some important factors that make your website top in search result pages.

Page Title: the first attribute will show in the search result. so, this should be unique for each page and this title tag should describe the web page.

Meta Description: this about the page description with a max of 160 characters includes two keywords.

Meta Keywords: max of five keywords and this should be included in page content.

Heading tags: Heading tags are largest HTML tags describe the main keywords on the page

Alt tags: with Alt you can optimize the images.

Title Tag: describe the image

visit: http://www.digitalimage.net/en/search-engine-optimization/

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